Friday, July 23, 2010

Jumping on the grenade...

You know...I've always considered myself a FANTASTIC friend. I do my friend's hair (for free), I can keep a secret, I let people borrow clothes that I've never even worn (my clothes are my children), AND I would never ever take and send of pic of a friend passed out in a gas station bathroom after barfing up four loko all over their white jeans. But this summer has really got me thinking that there are certain limitations to being a good friend. That maybe...just maybe, you shouldn't ask anyone, let alone a close friend to do certain things for you. And this brings me to the point of this post. I wish I could count how many times I've had to "take one for the team", you know "jump on a grenade" or in plainer English...entertain the ugly friend while my friend macs on his much much hotter homeboy. I swear its like becoming the STORY of my life. So I'm nice to the guy, I may even flirt a little, all the while giving my home girl the evil eye and plotting ways to destroy her. I guess its my fault, I'm to nice and the word no is like not in my vocabulary. Or maybe I'm just hoping that my friend can return the favor later.(NOT!) Only one time has this whole jumping on a grenade thing worked out for me (the friend was gorgeous) but 9 times out of 10 I'm sorely disappointed. So NO MORE I TELL YOU!! I'm taking a vow to never jump on another grenade ever again! This will greatly decrease the amount of texts and phone calls I have to ignore on a daily basis. Man...I'm super looking forward to this!

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